Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)

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Gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) are political priorities across Government in the New Nepal, and the Ministry of Health and Population’s Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy (2009) is an important milestone, placing it ahead of most other line ministries. The Ten Point Health Policy and Programme (2006), which introduced Free Essential Health Care Services, has ushered into the sector a stronger focus on reaching the poor and disadvantaged. The Equity and Access Programme further signals commitment to community based, rights and empowerment approaches to address the multiple barriers that poor and disadvantaged communities face in accessing maternal and new born health care.

Detailed understanding is needed of how the health system and services operate in a context of socio-economic and geographical disparities, and how inequities can be reduced. Strengthening the evidence base to direct GESI programming is a priority. This requires disaggregated information, and well-structured evaluations and studies that can identify the factors that contribute to health inequities, and the impact of policies and interventions on gender and social inclusion.

PEER Study Briefing Notes, 2012

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